XVI Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil!


Temos o prazer de anunciar que o trabalho "Considerações sobre os impactos socioambientais de empreendimentos industriais no bioma da Mata Atlântica: os casos da CSN em Taubaté-SP e da termelétrica em Caçapava-SP", da autoria de Gerson de Freitas Junior, investigador e doutorando do Societies and Environmental Sustainability Research Group do Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Laboratório Associado Terra da Universidade de Coimbra e da sua extensão na Universidade Aberta de Portugal, foi apresentado no XVI Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, realizado em São Lourenço-MG, em outubro de 2024.Durante o evento, o investigador também apresentou o Manifesto contra a instalação da termelétrica em Caçapava-SP, reforçando o compromisso com a defesa do ambiente e a protecção do bioma da Mata Atlântica.

Convidamos a ler o trabalho completo no Researchgate.

#Ecologia #CongressoEcologia2024 #MataAtlântica #Sustentabilidade #ImpactoAmbiental #TermelétricaNão #CSN #ProtecçãoAmbiental  

Participation in the XVI Brazilian Ecology Congress! We are pleased to announce that the work "Considerations on the socio-environmental impacts of industrial enterprises in the Atlantic Forest biome: the cases of CSN in Taubaté-SP and the thermoelectric power plant in Caçapava-SP", authored by Gerson de Freitas Junior, researcher and PhD candidate of the Societies and Environmental Sustainability Research Group at the Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Terra Associate Laboratory at the University of Coimbra, and its extension at the Open University of Portugal, was presented at the XVI Brazilian Ecology Congress, held in São Lourenço-MG in October 2024.During the event, the researcher also presented the Manifesto against the installation of the thermoelectric power plant in Caçapava-SP, reaffirming his commitment to environmental protection and the conservation of the Atlantic Forest biome.

We invite you to read the full paper on Researchgate.

#Ecology #EcologyCongress2024 #AtlanticForest #Sustainability #EnvironmentalImpact #NoToThermoelectric #CSN #EnvironmentalProtection 

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