Human Mobility: The Invisible Issue in Climate Change Adaptation Policies: The Case of Morocco
Climate change has led countries to develop mitigation strategies and policies to support populations in their adaptation to its impacts. By analyzing the climate change adaptation policies it is possible to understand how human mobility is included in (or excluded from) those same policies. In the case of Morocco, for example, the National Plan Against Climate Change includes various actions that address strategic sectors. Nevertheless, in practice, most adaptation actions are limited to the water management and agriculture sectors, which are perceived to be priority sectors. Human mobility can be an adaptation strategy and/or a factor that further intensifies vulnerability to climate change. However, it is generally missing from the overall adaptation policies. Most frequently, mobility-related policies are defined in different fora that do not necessarily include climate change-related considerations and often focus on international movements, which are a minority of the overall migratory movements. This study aims to analyze how the various national and regional climate change adaptation policies address mobility as a possible adaptation strategy using Morocco as a case study.
Ferreira Fernandes, C. S., Alves, F., & Loureiro, J. (2023). Human Mobility: The Invisible Issue in Climate Change Adaptation Policies: The Case of Morocco. Em W. Leal Filho, M. Kovaleva, F. Alves, & I. R. Abubakar (Eds.), Climate Change Strategies: Handling the Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate (pp. 441–457). Springer Nature Switzerland.