Could spaceborne multispectral data be used as SMART proxies' indicators for agroforestry ecosystem services? - a systematic review
Foi recentemente publicado o artigo "Could spaceborne multispectral data be used as SMART proxies' indicators for agroforestry ecosystem services? - a systematic review" desenvolvido no âmbito do doutoramento da Anabela Paula, na revista Ecological Indicators
O artigo, que conta com a coautoria dos orientadores, Paula Castro, Albano Figueiredo e Fernando Pulido, apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura no âmbito da tese de doutoramento "Ecosytem services' trade-offs in fire-smart territories: defining nature-based solutions through a multi-actor approach", enquadrada no Programa Doutoral em Gestão Sustentável das Florestas.
O artigo, em acesso aberto, pode ser consultado na Revista Ecological Indicators
The article titled "Could spaceborne multispectral data be used as SMART proxies' indicators for agroforestry ecosystem services? - a systematic review" has recently been published as part of Anabela Paula's doctoral research, in the Ecological Indicators journal.
The article, co-authored by the supervisors Paula Castro, Albano Figueiredo, and Fernando Pulido, presents a systematic literature review within the scope of the doctoral thesis "Ecosystem services' trade-offs in fire-smart territories: defining nature-based solutions through a multi-actor approach," framed in the Doctoral Program in Sustainable Forest Management.
The open-access article can be accessed at Ecological Indicators Journal
Cite (APA7):
Paula, A., Figueiredo, A., Pulido, F., & Castro, P. (2023). Could spaceborne multispectral data be used as SMART proxies' indicators for agroforestry ecosystem services? – A systematic review. Ecological Indicators, 156, 111162.